Founding our own company – Part 6: Trying to get scammed

Like we already mentioned in part 4 of our little series, many people tried to scam us directly after finally having our company registered with the district court.

The day after we saw online that our company was registered, our mailbox was quite full with official looking mail concerning our registration.

Lots of "bills"
Lots of “bills” – and they kept coming

Even after opening the letters, some appeared quite official and all wanted a bunch of money for the registration of our company on a website. “A” website and not the official website

The amount they were asking was between 370 Euro and 700 Euro for having our company listed – quite some money. Is there any attorney out there that can tell us if we can bill these companies money for abusing our time opening their unwanted letters? 😉

More than a week later the official bill arrived and they “only” want 150 Euro from us.

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