iTunes Stats of 2015

Even though it is a little bit late, we still want to show you some of our stats of the year 2015, similiar to our post for the stats for 2014. The only difference this time is that we will only concentrate on the iTunes stats this time. Who knows what we will be doing for the year 2016, perhaps bring back all the stats or concentrate on Google Play or Amazon to give you a little insight.

iTunes – Graphic Overview of Sales for 2015

The first two screenshots show you the total downloads and sales that we achieved last year for our iOS products via iTunes and the Appstore. As you can see, our first ever released app, Flappy Penguin, is still our most downloaded app, but nothing really to write home about when looking at the total numbers. To our surprise the name Worst App Ever doesn’t prevent people for buying the apps – we are really grateful for that, but still it is quite surprising 🙂 Because of that “success” we will offer you at least one more part in our Worst App Ever series to offer awesome or aweful – depending on how you interpret the title – two player – one screen action.

iTunes – Overview of Sales for 2015

The last stat we will show you is our income via the iAds program, that is offered by Apple, which will be discontinued by the end of june 30th 2016. By looking at our numbers it is hard to say that we are sad about that – but hey, earning 32 cents in a timespan of 10+ months is not really a big winner for us. Before you ask, no, we are not withholding the data from january 1st to february 24th 2015, the iAds dashboard just allows to go back 365 days from today, so that is all we can display for now.

iTunes – Overview of iAds Income for 2015

So, what do we make out of these numbers? First of all we finally have to start investing some money in advertising and second finally have to take care of doing some SEO and ASO optimizing to get more hits on our website as well as more downloads that should result in more ads being displayed as well as more sales. Just releasing apps without doing anything is not really a big business success – but hey, we are willing to learn and improve, at least we hope that. In early 2016 we will know, as soon as we will be doing this kind of stats post again 🙂

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