End of the year – what happened?

Yes, we know, we were kind of lazy regarding updating our website and posting “usefull” information in our blog in the last few weeks. But the last few weeks were quite busy and we are still trying to catch up with all the changes that have happened.

Probably the biggest change was the huge upgrade of our hardware to develop and test our software and with switching from a Mac to a Windows operating system – as you can expect, the changes are not too easy and smooth. At least it glows nicely in the dark and the 4K display is a huge improvement.

Glowing in the dark – our new Windows computer


Over the next few days we want to give you some insights of things that happened during our first few months as a company, covering some of these topics:

  • getting hacked
  • “interesting” offers we receive via eMail
  • differences between using Google Play Developer Console and Apple iTunes Connect
  • Download statistics of our apps
  • a brief outlook on some new things for the future

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