Starting the moment we released our very first app, we got lots of emails regarding “help” to improve the sales and downloads of our apps. Just for the fun of it we want to show you some of the quite interesting offers we received 😉
If you use the iOS Store, perhaps this offer might help you:
We do:
1. App review requests.
We send requests on your behalf to editors of app review sites. There’re different lists of recipients. Prices start from $30.2. Positive comments and high ratings on App Store.
The comments are made by real people from different devices with unique IP addresses. The price for one comment + 5 stars rating is $3.
Or if that offer is too simple for you, perhaps you should use the services of AppBomber:

Probably we should have gone with this offer for only 100$:
Question: Is Flappy Penguin – Escaping North Pole getting as many INSTALLS as you’d like?
We will submit Flappy Penguin – Escaping North Pole to over 155 of the top iPhone/iPad App Review sites for you.
Getting app reviews for your IOS app is a great way to get your app noticed and get you MORE INSTALLS!
Our clients using this service are seeing some amazing results. Our last few clients noticed a 30%-50% increase in installs shortly after our work. Another client had his app featured and got over 8,000 installs in just one day!
Over the years my team and I have promoted hundreds of apps and we’ve networked and created contacts at all of the top app reviews sites. You could spend days finding the best review sites and manually filling in the long forms to submit your app or searching for the best contact at the review site to ask for a review for OR you could simply have our team do all of the hard work for you, using our contacts and we’ll submit your app to 155 app review sites + a SPECIAL bonus mentioned below.
The reviews from other sites are great and can send direct traffic to your app BUT the real value is in the fact that you are earning tons of direct links to your app page. Links are the currency of the web and these links can increase your apps rankings in both the app store and where it your app appears in Google searches. App rankings = Links and Links can increase your rankings which will lead to more subsequent app installs.
Take Flappy Penguin – Escaping North Pole to the next level today!Today we have a great SPECIAL offer- we’ll submit your app to 155 iPhone/iPad app review sites on your behalf AND We’ll also provide you with a full spreadsheet listing each website URL and contact details that we used for each one. (So you can reuse our resources for your future apps) AND we will also promote your app with a link on a Facebook profile that has over 4000 app review followers… The BONUS promotion of publishing your app to 4000 app review followers on Facebook is for a limited time.. you get this AND the 155 app review requests all within this package!
Some companies even send you and 18 page PDF document with all there services listed and for not even 5000$ they offer you these things 😉

We are also so happy to hear that everything is in accordance with the terms of service 🙂
I can help you expand your Flappy Penguin app by bringing you users from your country that will install your Flappy Penguin app on their phones.
I’m an app promoter with my own network of app users. We like apps and app games and can push hundreds of new installs to your Flappy Penguin app every day. It’s all very organized and 100% legit and in accordance with Google Play terms of service.
You will get a mix of installs, ratings, reviews and google+ shares from targeted users to your app to help you increase your search position on google play.
You can be set up right away and see good results within days.
This works for any free app and is used all the time and every day by all the apps on top charts.Interested?
I’ll send you the rest of the info and we can make a deal.
Our mailbox is full with these kind of offers. One the one hand it would be interesting to see if these things really work, but it feels a lot like cheating 🙂 So currently we are more than happy with few downloads :-))