Stats Overview 2014

As promised here are some stats as a little overview concerning our big company “success” in the year 2014.

On iTunes we published a total of four applications with a total of 205 downloads, earning a total of 8.86$ (before taxes).

iTunes Stats for 2014


On Google Play we published a total of five applications with a total of 109 downloads, earning a total of not much.

Google Play Stats for 2014

Sure, you might say that we show so many ads in our free apps – they must earn insane amounts of money. I am not so sure about that :p

Several months of showing ads from RevMob and earning a total (before taxes) of 0.69$ – this will definitely lead to a nice five course menu :-))

Banner Ad Revenue 2014


At least showing the videos earn a little bit more – around 1$ in total earned. I guess it is about time to quit my day job :-))

Video Ad Revenue 2014


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