Host Unfunny Fritz starts with saying sorry to his bad timing and other hickups in the first podcast of Worst Comic Ever, but doesn’t really promise any real improvement. What a Jackass.
In his original material Unfunny Fritz gives you some bad parenting advice involving the book How to Rule the World: A Handbook for the Aspiring Dictator by André de Guillaume (Amazon) and then shows with numbers that president-elect Donald Trump is more like a dictator than a democratically elected leader – with German Chancellor Angela Merkel is even more a dictator than Donald Trump if you use the same measurement.
The topic for the jokes was again “Jokes about Podcasters”.
Jokes being told in this episode:
What’s the quickest way to a podcasters heart?
– an iTunes review
Wife walks in and says “I want sex now”
“But honey! I have to do my podcast. I have to keep on a regular schedule if I want to get more listeners”
“Oh dear, your podcast is like the sex we have. Only the first 10 seconds are good for me. The rest is just all you…”
A podcaster walks into a drug store and says “I need condoms”.
Pharmacist says “You got a fun night planned with your significant other?”
Podcaster turns and says “No. I was told I needed something to protect my microphone…”
A podcast is like a bank account. You talk it up but it’s still at nothing
Did you hear about the man who had a successful podacast?
– Neither did I.
Did you see the podcast with the iTunes review?
– It was just an iTunes database error.
Why do sponsors pay podcasters?
– Wait – Sponsors pay podcasters?
Podcaster asks his shrink “Why do I podcast”?
Shrink says “Because you want to live in a fantasy world…”
Podcaster wants to spice up his love life. He tells his wife he wants to do a three-some. The wife is intrigued. She says “With who?” Podcaster says “Mike”…
How are podcasters and fishermen alike
– They both lie about how big theirs is
What does a Podcaster say as a pickup line?
– My show is hard and lasts 60 minutes…
Jokes were taken from this website:
This episode was sponsored (again) by Panda & Penguin Production. Please check out their website at and continue laughing.